Course overview

Course details

  • Introduction & Objectives

    Discussing what the session is about, personal influencing challenges, and desired outcomes

  • Influence & Persuasion — Definitions

    Exploring the challenges of influencing without authority; being persuasive & maintaining good relationships

  • Influence & Impact — E+R=O

    Developing outcome thinking and building flexibility and confidence; behaving assertively; staying present

  • Influencing Outcomes

    Using circles of concern and influence; exploring and applying different influencing and communication styles

  • The Steps to Effective Influencing

    Building rapport, reflecting the other person’s needs, working for a decision; being persistent and following up

Learning outcomes

  • You’ll know how to prepare proactively and confidently, with greater self-awareness
  • You’ll approach situations purposefully and logically
  • You’ll know how to adapt your style for different audiences and how best to reach agreement

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